This is the 2nd Call for applications for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by the COST Action CA20138 “Network on water-energy-food nexus for a low-carbon economy in Europe and beyond-NEXUSNET”. STSMs allow scientists to conduct short research and study visits to a research institution or laboratory in another COST Country to strengthen the existing networks and foster collaboration, learn a new technique, or use equipment, data, and/or methods not available in their own institution and contribute to the scientific objectives of the Action.
We are happy to announce the 1st Call for applications for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by our Action.
Applications should be submitted until 25 May 2022.
Professor Chrysi Laspidou, Action Chair of CA20138 and Dr. Floor Brouwer, Action Vice Chair of CA20138, were the Conveners of Session 16 “The Resource Nexus for New Modes of Science-Policy Interaction” of the Dresden Nexus Conference 2022 “Biodiversity Stewardship for Vital Resources” (DNC2022), an online conference that took place from Monday 23rd May to Wednesday 25th May. The DNC2022 focused on strengthening biodiversity with other