We are happy to announce the 1st Call for applications to join the training schools, organized and funded by the COST Action CA20138 “Network on water-energy-food nexus for a low-carbon economy in Europe and beyond – NEXUSNET”. This year’s school focuses on “Nature and People in Nexus” and will take place at the premises ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, 22-26 May 2023.
NEXUSNET calls for applications for conference grants aim at supporting young researchers, innovators, and PhD students from Inclusive Target Countries (ITC) to attend international conferences, not organised by the Action.
This is the 2nd Call for applications for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by the COST Action CA20138 “Network on water-energy-food nexus for a low-carbon economy in Europe and beyond-NEXUSNET”. STSMs allow scientists to conduct short research and study visits to a research institution or laboratory in another COST Country to strengthen the existing networks and foster collaboration, learn a new technique, or use equipment, data, and/or methods not available in their own institution and contribute to the scientific objectives of the Action.